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Close-up of an adult child cradling their senior parent's hand.

How to Get Guardianship of a Parent with Dementia

When your parent begins to experience cognitive difficulties it can present a unique set of challenges. If your loved one is struggling to make sound decisions regarding their healthcare, finances, or other life areas, you might need to consider legal guardianship to promote their safety and well-being. Getting guardianship of a parent with dementia depends…
The back of a nurse holding hands with an older man why he smiles and looks at her.

How Long Can You Live with Dementia?

Dementia can be complicated. This group of conditions can have a significant impact on a person’s life, eventually leading to the need for professional care. But it causes more than just cognitive symptoms—dementia can eventually begin damaging a person’s autonomous systems. So how long can you live with dementia? After an Alzheimer’s diagnosis, most people…
An older adult man looking outside the window with a serious expression.

What Is the Difference Between Memory Care & Dementia Care

"Memory care" and "dementia care" are frequently used when discussing specialized care for older adults. Though they may sound similar, these terms relate to different kinds of services and support specifically designed to meet the requirements of people with cognitive difficulties.  When choosing the appropriate care for a loved one, it's important to understand the…

Experience More at Clifton Park

We take pride in providing a wide range of services and experiences, all thoughtfully tailored to promote the well-being of your loved one.

Holistic Services & Amenities

Our residents benefit from on-site services and amenities designed to support their well-being holistically.

Diverse Events & Activities

We offer a dazzling variety of events, from music to themed activities and celebrations.

Delicious Dining

Our dining services offer sensory delights, with each dish thoughtfully prepared to meet individual dietary preferences and requirements.

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Visit Peregrine Senior Living Today

Visit us just outside the center of Clifton Park off Route 146.

Visitors are always welcome.

Our Address

  • 1 Emma Lane
  • Clifton Park, NY 12065

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